
Paul’s Articles

A listing of original articles by Paul Street, also published in other sites as noted.

Would Anyone Care to Defend American Radicals?

Counterpunch, 5-02-2021  I am told that a leading senior and radical American historian quipped last year that a second Trump administration might have given the American Left a chance to gather together – under armed [...]

Slaves to the Constitution

Counterpunch, 4-23-2021 Slavery lives on in U.S.-American life, crippling “our” supposed grand “democracy” in numerous ways. The massive wealth, income, and health gaps between Black and white Americans and the related persistent segregation and mass [...]

The Chauvin Trial is Dangerously Deceptive

Counterpunch, 4-20-2021 Since most U.S.-Americans know little about social and political reality beyond their own limited experience and bubbles, powerfully deceptive narratives and images disseminated by the corporate media easily distort public perceptions. The election [...]

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